An election first

I’ll admit that I’ve never been much into politics. Which was partly ignorance and partly apathy. But recently I’ve realised how important this stuff is, especially for Christians (I know I’m a little slow) and so I’m trying my best, with lots of help from others, to get informed and interested.

So today I voted – hopefully it was a relatively informed vote (baby steps right? ;) ). And for the first time ever I voted below the line on my Senate ballot!

A side note – I’ve been disappointed with the fact that the funding of Mental Health care seems to be bit of a peripheral issue in the election hype. I’d love to see this change and for our government to take this seriously. So I’m looking forward to writing to my House of Reps member (once I know who it is) to make sure they know the electorate of Lindsay cares about this issue!

5 thoughts on “An election first

  1. I voted below the line as well… Its a good feeling knowing that every vote is actually your vote!

    I did get a little confused and ended up skipping a number somewhere along the way, had to go back and ask for a new Ballot paper (which they are happy to do)!

    • yeah I thought I has skipped a number at one point (turns out I didn’t).

      I blame the fact that the ballot paper is so much longer than the space they give you fill it out. I vote for bigger voting booths!

  2. Voting is so important and such a privilege!
    Writing and contacting the MP’s and letting them know the way we feel / think is also important and what more of us should be doing. We can’t complain about the decisions of government when we have not taken part.

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